Personal Narrative Essay: Horruit Sniper

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Horruit Proelio The wind blew its northern breeze across the towering grass. A welcomed feeling in the sweaty, confined space of the mask and protective gear. The open field with clusters of densely packed tress was a sniper’s dream and the place of my ambush. With a sniper I could see, aim, and fire, killing him before he could exhale his last breath. Hanging his head in defeat, the recently departed soul would go back to the house and wait till the battle was over, plotting the revenge he now hungered for. This was how Airsoft worked. Last man standing wins. Most wars, as we called them, consisted of twenty or so boys dressed in so much camo an owl would not be able to tell the fake from the real. AK’s or M4 assault rifles draped across shoulders, pistols at the hip, black masks showing no fear and the man behind giving no quarter. This was the only way to survive, anything less and you were a snowman in summer. Today was different though. Instead of the usually slayer type game play it would be me verses two others. I had my perfect ambush, but I had no sniper and this would be a game of patience. …show more content…

Minute passed upon minute, leaving only still silence to excite the nerves and whisper to conspire against you. They were like shadows tormenting a forgotten child in a dark alley. On cue, the clouds blocked the sun, adding to the gray hue November usually brought. The cramp in my back worsened as the rest of my motionless body lay in the field. I resembled an old, unnoticed, building around the rising skyscrapers; invisible from ground level. All I could do was scan the surrounding for a sign of movement. There! There at last he came creeping out of the dark shadows of a menacing pine and crouched forward. His presence was a welcome relief; however, if I did not hit this relief he would hit

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