Personal Narrative Essay

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Heart racing, palms sweating, head pounding, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. All the while I’m thinking to myself 4 more years just 4 more. It was around the end of the summer break August the 7th to be exact. My eyes were filled with determination as I sat alone side a bunch more like me (eager to be noticed hormonal filled teens). Our bodies filled with such anticipation, that of which we are blind to the knowing of what is to become of us throughout our time in this hellhole we call high school. As like many other freshman girls of my generation, education was the last thing on my mind. The bell rang at the struck of 7:00 am. The whole time I was just pasting down the hall thinking to myself ‘don’t touch me! ’yawl to loud …show more content…

Those animals whom I speak of are the dreadful disease carrying teenagers.Did you know that according to the U.S Department of health and Human Services that about 9.5 million adolescents and young adults (ages 15–24) are diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) each year? That number was so high and at that point in time, I was not emotionally ready for that one person to be me. Now as I reflect on it I am pretty glad I waited. I refused to become another statistic. However,I am not going to sit here and say I was the perfect little saint either, because I was placed in some pressuring situations that could have lead up to something I to this day have thought about but don’t regret because they made me open my eyes to the reality of people and my self-worth .Like this one time after on of our crazy parties a few of my friends was going to a room to hang out . of course, there is always that voice in your head that says don’t do it, but then there is the reality that says what the heck and you go for it! As you can tell that is exactly what I did . as I think about it I was about as young and nieve as it came. I think it was done to low self-esteem and like I said I was eager for

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