Personal Narrative: A Day In Long Beach California

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It was a warm summer day in Long Beach California my five little brothers, older sister and I were sitting outside, looking at our schedules for the upcoming school year when my dad rushes inside the house.

My little brother cringed, we all know what's coming we always do. My sister and I stand and follow our dad into the house. My mom's in the kitchen putting away the dishes. My dad runs into the kitchen screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs.

My mom turns and faces him her hands up in silent plea as she tried to make sense of the nonsense my father is spuing at her. His blood shot eyes give away the fact that he is currently heavily intoxicated or drugged out of his mind maybe both.

The sound of my little brothers …show more content…

She's not okay… That was the day my life changed forever. That day my siblings and I were placed into the foster care system. My parents spent a year battleing with the courts to get us back and after a hard and emotional jouney they one. Shortly after my dad spent the a year in jail for the things he had done. While my mom was ordered to counselling and parenting classes. My mom moved us to a different city and eventually we managed to get out life in order all the while my mom and dad manged to repare thier relashionship.

Unlike many families that are victims of domestic violence my parents managed to give us a bright and hopeful future. Though the journey was long and painful it has helped me discover the type of person I strive to be, I hope to be a person who stands for those you don't have the strength to stand for themselves. I plan on becoming a lawyer so that I can dedicate my life to helping those who don't see a brighter future and to be the voice of those who cannot speak out. I hope to one day change a person's life because in the end, “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King

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