Personal Loss Essay

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What is a personal loss? How does losing a loved one change your life? Do you like the person you became, after the loss of a loved one? Joseph Nolan is also known as Opa. Even though he was a great man and was a workaholic. However, Opa was a loving, caring family man and lived with my family until I was six years old. Unfortunately, when I was six my mother got pregnant. That is when grandfather said that it would be best if he would move out. He had moved to Alabama and he went on with his life. I miss my grandfather deeply to this day. He is the reason I became the person I am today. Growing up with my grandfather was the best thing a child could ever ask for. We did everything together. I remember helping him remodel the attic to make it a bedroom, going shopping, or just going to the playground. When my mom got pregnant and they brought home my brother home from the hospital, that is when I got the news that my grandfather was going to be moving out. What I did not know was it was going to be out of state. The worst thing I even …show more content…

My father told me that it was my fault that he passed. That he would roll over in his grave with the way I was behaving. Not understanding what I had done wrong, I realized that what he said must be true and that I most have killed him. Even though I was only thirteen, I should have known better. However, that is what I believed in for a very long time. Right after my fourteenth birthday in November of 1999, I couldn’t take the pain of not having my grandfather around anymore. Not having him to talk to when I needed him the most. I felt the pain more and more every day. Leaving me to losing myself more each day. The only thing that I wanted more in life was to be with him again. I have tried everything I could to end my life. Thankfully no matter what I did to try to do that and how many pills I took I was never able to kill

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