Personal Integrity Essay

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Explain personal integrity, how you have demonstrated integrity, and its future value in your college experiences? In life there are temptations are placed in front of us daily, but we must have integrity and advance forward. To have high morals and principles people must have integrity. Integrity is when someone does honest acts and can genuinely say that their work and actions can be revered. I demonstrate integrity by: being honest with my administrators, keeping my promises no matter what. The way that I am honest with my administrators is by telling the truth no matter what, when a teacher asks me my honest opinion on a situation that happened I will honestly answer them. One time when an administrator asked me if a student had been talking about beating up another student. When they asked me I was in a conflict with myself, to tell the truth or not tell the truth, that was the question. I told them truth. I am part of a school based origination, the L3 Mentors, which is how I met that student. The student that I told on, was my mentee and I did not even know the other students name, but I knew that was the right thing to do. If I were to have lied my mentee would have gotten into more trouble. It would have affected her more to have actually done it than her just talking about doing it. As a mentor my job was to guide my mentee’s, as a …show more content…

No matter the situation in order to have integrity you must make tough decisions so you can do the right thing. You may have a responsibility to be something but being an honest person has to be a top priority. When you make a promise or commitment you must do everything in your power to keep it. Especially if it involves something you are truly passionate about. To be honest with others you have to be honest with yourself because. When you understand integrity, you become honest and trustworthy, that will benefit you in the

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