Reflection Paper

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Two courses that I feel made the biggest impact on me through this course were week 5 of PEDG 5372 Assessment Data to Guide Instructional Decisions and week 5 of PEDG 5373 Student Expectations and Motivations. Both of these courses were taken at the beginning of this journey to complete my Master’s program and both were taken in the summer before my second year teaching. I learned so much more from these courses than I did during my student teaching and my first year teaching combined. I feel that teachers are expected to hit the floor running and there is no true “training period” or period of transition, you just have to know what you know and learn as you go. These courses helped me to be more focused and knowledgeable about data and how to use it effectively and also about what motivates students and …show more content…

Each course gave me specified information that I felt I could immediately take back to the classroom and use. For instance, I learned how to dissect data in a way that I am able to drill down into our specific TEKs and see where my students are struggling and focus on that TEK again in later lessons. Additionally I learned how to recognize the different types of motivations and how to tap into that for each student. I can now create lessons that will appeal to my students by motivating them and giving them some ownership in the lesson. I chose week five for both of these courses because week five is where I showed what I have learned in the course and for both of these courses I created a product that I was proud to show off. The data anaylsis presentation that I presented, I’ve actually used to show my department chair how to

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