Personal And Professional Code Of Ethics In The Workplace

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In life, I know there isn’t a book published or created that sets the path of the right choices, if there was, everyone’s life would be ideal. But since this book doesn’t exist, then it is up to oneself to know how to make the right choice and be okay with it. This is when ethics, your morals, your beliefs come into play and help you make the right choice. What I have learned is that no matter what the situation is the scale isn’t black or white, there is always gray. Meaning that when dilemmas occur, it isn’t yes, no, good or bad answer, it can become complex. Also, the way people resolve their ethical problems, you might not agree hundred percent of the time and that is okay. Clearly, the way they decided to have an end result is based on their judgment and some …show more content…

This is when dealing with people, and all their different personalities, attitudes, etc. comes into play. It is not easy to work for an organization, company etc. but this is when one has to know how to deal with multiple people but stick to their own professional code of ethics.
Some consistencies and inconsistencies between your personal and professional code of ethics are that I clearly know myself at this point in life. I know that I am a very sociable person, and can make friends very easily it doesn’t matter where I am. But when it comes to work I always try to keep all or most friendship at work. Yes, I have coworkers that I have a better work relationship with, and they might tell me personal details as well as I but that’s it. That doesn’t mean we hang out together, or go on dinners

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