Persepolis Tradition Analysis

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Traditions, through all of history have been what people hold onto through difficult times. Whether it is religion or just a tradition when people are truly in dire need of help, there is no such thing as an atheist. You can see this through all sorts of events in history and in modern life. During the holocaust, the Jews were targeted exclusively because of their religion, yet through the hardship they only grew stronger in their faith. Or the disciples of Jesus, they were threatened by nearly everyone they came into contact with, but they pushed on. Even in modern times, when people are faced with extreme adversity, they normally come out with some new tradition, often religion. When looking at the events in Persepolis you can easily see how tradition carries people through difficult times. Marjane says in response the the veil “I really didn’t know what to think about the veil. Deep down I was very religious but as a family we were very modern and avant-garde.” (6) This quote demonstrates how Marjane is open to knew ideas but she also adheres to her religious traditions. This …show more content…

Risking persecution was worth it for them to hold on to this tradition. Traditions are one of the most important things to have in times of hardship, as evident by numerous examples both in Persepolis and the world at large. In an article published to titled Some young Iranians ignore officially enforced anger at the West, Iranian teens are ignoring the Supreme Leader’s orders and continueing with old American traditions. So even in Iran today people are holding onto traditions through tough times as people have done for all of

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