Persepolis Research Paper

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In Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi draws a clear line between formal and informal education. For Marji, her informal education gained through observing those around her helps her answer life's big questions, like how to express ideas and thoughts. Her formal education also is able to teach her about the world around her. Marji’s books on Marx and Darvishian allows her to see the world from a different perspective. When all of these educational forms come together, Marji starts to develop her own personality and identity. Along the way, Marji naturally starts to see how much power educators have in shifting certain narratives due to their bias. Throughout Persepolis, although Marji’s formal education helps her obtain a more worldly perspective …show more content…

The second panel would be interdependent because both the words from Marjane and the depiction are integral to the meaning. She believes that pursuing knowledge is more important than anything. Depicting herself skeleton like, with sunken eyes, Satrapi emphasizes how education is genuinely her top priority. She wants the pride of being the first to discover something new so that she can be as influential as others. Marjane most likely received motivation and heard about important female figures from her mother. A few panels later when her mother was talking about how there were demonstrations against fundamentalism and her father was reluctant to let Marji go, her mother insists that she go too since “she should start to defend her rights as a woman” too (76).

At this time, America the was having its second wave of the American feminist movement where moving on from women's suffrage, American women focused on equality beyond the law and in women's lives. Informal education is spontaneous and based off conversation and exploration. Both Marji and even her mother were able to discover more about themselves from just reading books or observing the world around them. This moment is also significant because of the dark vs light imagery, making the panel picture specific due to its emphasis on the

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