Perfect Utopian Society

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Can Utopias exist? To achieve a perfect society this place must be problem free. The people of the society along with everything else will have to be perfect which is not possible due to the fact that nothing nor, anyone can be “perfect”. Also, perfect societies seem like a great idea at first but, after a while this perfect Utopian society that has been conjured up will end up falling apart. This place will only exist in your head because perfect societies are not possible considering the unrealisticness of living in a worry-free, calm, and happy civilization. Living in a Utopian society would be like living in something from a dream because of how perfect and beautiful everything around you would appear to be. There would be vivid colors, peacefulness, and smiles all around. When an American society is described it would be depicted as a strong yet disoriented and troubled civilization. Throughout history people have been so obsessed with being perfect and living perfect lives they’ve tried to make their own Utopian society. In attempt to do so they have failed. …show more content…

This city was named Ordos and would be foolproof, only to end up becoming a grand flop due to the lack of money Dubai possessed. Since constructing an entire city from scratch mounted up to be such a large amount of money the people of Dubai decided on raising the cost of houses in Ordos. These prices were so high the everyday Chinese people decided not to spend their life’s earnings moving to an empty city which left Ordos entirely empty for almost a decade. Ordos is now more of a permanent construction site rather than a new Dubai.

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