People's Preference to Migrate to Britain in 1880

1990 Words4 Pages

People's Preference to Migrate to Britain in 1880

For me to explain why people choose to come to Britain in 1880 up to

the present day, I will explain the push and pull factors that people

and various ethnic groups went through that forced them out of there

own country and what attracted them to come to Britain. An example of

a push factor is war or unlawful treatment in there own country a pull

factor is something that attracts them away like being treated as

equals or safety. Some of the groups of people I will be talking about

include Jews from eastern Europe fleeing for there safety from there

governments. During the second world war lots of eastern Europeans

deserted there own counties but didn’t return due to Russia taking

over most of them. People came to Britain post war because of labour

shortages in Britain and its colonies like Jamaica having low

employment. Most of today’s immigration comes from the east African

groups for reasons like war and famine.

Jews immigrating to Britain in 1880 and after had more than one reason

for doing so. The main reasons were because of the persecution they

received and how that affected there lives such as work and education.

There were laws passed against them, these were called the May laws

and occurred in Russia these laws were brought into place in 1882

after the Russian Jews were blamed for the assassination of Tsar

Alexander II. These May laws meant that the Jewish people could no

longer work or live in the countryside’s, they were restricted with

education they could only make up 5% of all students at university and

10% in secondary schools. In 1891 a degree was passed that the J...

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largest refugee group in Britain came to live here the Afghans.

Although the push factors haven’t always been the same like the people

from the Caribbean came over and left their families for employment.

And sometimes the push factors change even though there migrating from

the same country such as India when they came over for jobs in the

1960s when now there escaping marriage and unlawful treatment. The

pull factors attracting people to Britain have stayed pretty much the

same through the years. People and groups have always chosen Britain

to come to I believe this is because it’s always offered jobs, and is

somewhere they came escape to from wherever they’ve come from and live

in peace. I consider these to be the main influences on immigrants and

ethnic minorities moving to Britain from 1880 to the present day.

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