People Party Of Thailand: The People's Party In Thailand

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The People’s Party of Thailand has its roots in Paris, where a group of seven students, among them the future leader of the party, organized to plan a revolution in Siam. They had two main goals for the revolution. The first was to replace the absolute monarchy with a constitutional monarchy, as the students recognized the importance of the traditional monarch in Siam culture. Their second goal was to “use the state to achieve economic and social progress.” Prior to the 1932 revolution, Siam saw a great amount of economic unrest, with farmers and businessmen demanding a change in the economic policies implemented by the king. This created a climate open to change, which the People’s Party took advantage of. On 24 June 1932, the roughly one …show more content…

It states: “everyone who had no share in seizing the power of government … ought to remain quietly at home.” Obviously, this has implications on how the intended political climate of Siam would function under the People’s Party. Given their wording, it is clear that the intention is for a small group of people to have political knowledge and influence. Despite their promise to involve more people in the political process, it is clear that this is not intended to be unrestrained, and the implication is that select people only are going to maintain power. Arjun Subrahmanyan refers to this as democratic paternalism. He explains this by saying that the party “restricted the political role and responsibility of ordinary people whom the party regarded as naive.” In other words, the People’s Party clearly intends to give power to a select few party members. The rest of the Thai population will have no more say with the new government than they did with the …show more content…

It was written in order to present the People’s Party in a positive manner. This is done in two main ways. The first is by presenting the former government and the king in an especially negative manner, helped by the negative opinion on the economic policies of the king’s government. Second, the People’s Party gave promises to the Siam people that were staunchly different from the policies of the king’s government. This distinctive difference meant that the party would be seen as a new way for the people to go, versus a more conservative government. The secondary purpose of the document is information. In particular, information concerning the revolutionary actions that the party saw fit to do, and information regarding the changes they wish to enact in the

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