Strengths And Weaknesses Of Informal Assessment

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Exams: Summative assessment as represented by exams is the most common feedback understood by students. Ensure that students are familiar with the marking criteria and the type of exam it will be, e.g. whether it is an open or closed book exam. Peer assessment: Peer assessment can encourage students to engage with their learning more directly. It helps students develop a deeper understanding of their discipline and builds their reflective learning abilities as they review, assess and provide feedback on the work of their peers. Guiding students in peer assessment is essential with clear criteria for grading; they may also be involved in establishing criteria. Ensure that students have guidance on feedback to avoid overly harsh marking or negative comments. Walklin, L. (2000) Self-assessment “is the involvement of students in identifying standards and/ or criteria to apply to their work, and making judgments about the extent to which they have met these criteria and standards…..[it] means more than students grading their own work; it means involving them in the process of determining what is ‘good work’.” Boud, D. (1995) Developing effective self-assessment takes time and effort. However once fully embedded in learning and teaching, these assessment strategies can be particularly effective in motivating learning. An effective …show more content…

They are less stressful for students because they often do not realize they are undergoing an assessment. You can receive immediate data and then plan accordingly. With a formal assessment administered to the entire class, it takes time to grade the work and put the data into a form that is useful. If a student finds testing stressful and does not perform to the best of their ability on a written, formal assessment, an informal assessment may give you the most accurate measure of a student's true ability.

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