Peak Flow Meter Essay

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Peak Flow Meter

A peak flow meter is a device that helps you determine how well your asthma is being controlled and how well your lungs are working at a given time. This is a simple but important tool in daily asthma management. Peak flow meters are available over the counter.
The readings from the meter will help you and your health care provider:
• Determine the severity of your asthma.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of your current treatment.
• Determine when to add or stop certain medicines.
• Recognize an asthma attack before signs or symptoms appear.
• Decide when to seek emergency care.

• Dizziness. Breathing too quickly into the peak flow meter may cause dizziness. This could cause you to pass out. Take your time …show more content…

Your asthma is getting worse and could be improved.
• You may have begun coughing, wheezing, or feeling chest tightness. Sometimes peak flow rates dip down into the yellow zone before asthma symptoms appear.
• Consider increasing or changing your asthma medicine. This may include using your rescue medicine. If you have an asthma action plan, follow each step listed for the yellow zone, including medicine changes.
Red Zone = Danger
• Peak flow rate below 50% of your personal best. This may mean you are having, or are at risk of having, a medical emergency.
• Your coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath may have become severe. Do not wait to use your rescue medicine. Stop whatever you are doing and use your rescue inhaler, nebulizer, or other medicines to open your airways.
• If you have an asthma action plan, follow each step listed for the red zone, including medicine changes and when to seek emergency medical care.
If your flow readings fall too far below your personal best into the yellow or red zone, you will need to take action to prevent or minimize an asthma attack.


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