Two Parent Household Essay

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Are One Parent Households Are Two Parent Households Better Are two parent household or one parent household better? Even though each person has a different opinion of which parent household is better for me two parent household is better and I am going to prove why? Today I 'm going to prove why two parent household are better than one. Some people believe that one parent household is better because recently there are more single parents than two recently. But what they don’t know is that one parent household struggle more in providing a child’s need than a two parent household. Knowing that each person has a different aspect to which parent households is better to live in. Still one parent household can be difficult for the children to live …show more content…

N.p., n.d. Why this is important to encourage the children to doing helping activities which benefit him/her at school or to communicate better with parents, teachers and students. Why it matters that both parents can be involve doing helping activities with the children while learning. Here I prove to you why two parent household are better than one because children tend to learn more when both parents helping them doing activities. How children are better off in two parent household than one. “ In order to offer their children a decent standard of living, most families need two incomes.” ( Lerma Evelyn). "We Can Affect Their Future." Teen Moms: The Pain & The Promise (1997): 145. Points of View Reference Center. Meaning this is important for the family to bring in more money into the house for an emergency or save it. This matter to the children so they won’t have to wait on stuff and both parents provide a better living and place. “ For children to grow up with positive self-esteem, a loving and responsible father in the home is a tremendous asset.” ( Lerma Evelyn). "We Can Affect Their Future." Teen Moms: The Pain & The Promise (1997): 145. Points of View Reference …show more content…

How important it is to have a father in the family so kids grow up with positive self-esteem and learn on how a father’s role is important in the family. So later on, when they grow up they can be like their father to their kids. Why this matter in a two parent household is that a father can show how to be responsible and loving. “ A family without a husband or father is frequently a family without the psychological and

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