Paragraph On Art

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1. Art in Your World What Is Art? A work of art is the visual expression of an idea or experience. Visual art includes many types of media. It is used to communicate with others in ways that go beyond words. To understand a work of art, you must develop the ability to perceive. To perceive is to become deeply aware through the senses of the special nature of a visual object. People create art to serve many functions. (1) They create art to express personal feelings. (2) They use art to express a family, community, or civilization's identity. (3) Often, artists create art to express spiritual beliefs. (4) Some artists use new ideas and technologies to give functional objects, such as cars and buildings, new and interesting forms. (5) Artists often create art to teach people. This book will help you understand and recognize all the visual arts. Why Do Artists Create? The urge to create art is universal. Artists are creative individuals who use imagination and skill to communicate in visual form. They are driven by their sense of wonder and curiosity. However, the impulses that drive artists to create vary. Different artists can represent the same event or idea in very different ways. Artists get their ideas from many different sources. (1) Some artists, like the landscape painters of the Hudson River School, get ideas from nature. (2) Other artists get ideas from people and real-world events. (3) Many artists interpret myths and legends in their work. (4) In every culture, art is used to express spiritual and religious beliefs. (5) Many artists develop creative techniques to create their art. For example, Jackson Pollock expressed his personal feelings by creating a new technique?dripping paint onto canvas (Figure 1.13, page 14).... ... middle of paper ... ...) Description: Ask, when, where, and by whom was the work created. You can get the basic information from the credit line, but you would need to do further research to learn about the artist. (2) Analysis: Ask, what is the style of the work? Can the work be associated with an art movement? To analyze an artist's individual style, look at how the artist uses the elements and principles of art to express personal feelings and ideas, and compare several works by the same artist. (3) Interpretation: Ask, how did time and place affect the artist's style in terms of subject matter, composition, and content? Find out about the artist's life and surroundings and which other artists influenced him or her. (4) Judgment: Now, ask whether this work is significant in the history of art. For clues, you can read what art historians say about the artist and make your own assessment.

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