Paradise Lost Character Analysis

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Most people, throughout history, have always been quick to judge others and their actions. Author John Milton is no different. In his books of Paradise Lost Milton finds faults in Eve’s actions and blames her for the fall of mankind. He points out specific flaws in her character. Flaws like chosen ignorance, pride, and vanity. They way Milton makes these points in Paradise Lost almost encourages readers to believe that all women possessed these character flaws and are there for the cause of most problems for men. Written during the late 17th century, Paradise lost, was created in a time period were women were supposed to be dependent and obedient to the men in their lives, including fathers, and husbands. They are supposed to depend on the …show more content…

“With more desire to know, and to reject envious commands.” (Book 4, line 522-523) Milton claims eve, and therefore all women have some sort of desire to learn but in their own ways sometimes. He argues that some women won’t follow “commands” even if they are only suggestions. Like in book 9 of paradise lost. Adam wants the two to stay together, but Eve rejects this saying that they have too much work to be done and must separate and divide the labor. (Book 9, Page 2096) This scene shows Eves pride. She wants to prove that she can handle herself and work as hard as Adam does on her own. While Milton above said that women should take some responsibility for their actions and abilities, he also tells us that being too proud can be a problem. Women, like eve need to learn when to accept help, and when to be independent. If Eve had accepted Adam’s help and advice to stay together she might not have been to blame for the fall of …show more content…

Women who care too much about their appearances cause problems for men according to Milton. We see that eve is vane from her very beginning. “As I bent down to look, just opposite, a shape within the wat’ry gleam appeared bending to look on me, I stared back…What there thou seest fair creature is thyself.” (Book 4, Lines 460-468) The very first thing that Eve did after being created was check her appearance. Milton includes this scene because he believes that vanity is one of women’s greatest flaws. According to Milton is Eve would have been more interested in knowledge and what Raphael had to say, instead of her looks she might have had the ability to see through Satan’s evil intentions. However she was concerned with the truth and cared about her looks. So overall in the books of Paradise Lost, Milton blames Eve for the fall of mankind because of the flaws that she possessed. I believe that he is cautioning men and women that if they retain vanity, ignorance, and pride, they will always create problems for themselves and each other. We should learn from Eve’s mistakes and recognize our fatal

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