Panic Attack Research Paper

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Panic Attack The room closing in, gasping for air, heart racing, thoughts out of reach, wanting to run, and a feeling of helplessness are all symptoms of panic attack. A panic attack is an extreme form of anxiety. One of these episodes can minutes to hours, and he or she will experience physical symptoms and irrational thoughts—or the inability to focus thoughts. Either caused by some sort of trigger, or randomly brought on, a panic attack is an episode of disabling anxiety that makes daily activities difficult. Panic attacks can happen at any time, and most people have no control over them. Having a panic attack is not a person’s fault, but is something people have to cope with. A panic attack is a form of anxiety that can make a person’s daily life activities difficult—not only because the attacks themselves but because of the fear of having another attack. In these moments, the person feels symptoms similar to a fight- or -flight situation: heart racing, heavy breathing, sweating, and the desire to run away; the person wants to run away as fast as possible and wants to be away from everyone and everything. He or she also …show more content…

The person may think he or she is dying, and this thought can continue throughout other panic attacks—logical thought is sometimes inhibited. The person could even completely understand that he or she is having a panic attack, but that does not levitate any of the symptoms. One way of thinking about a panic attack is that the person is being attacked by an outside force that is not actually there, and the body is experiencing the panic reactions to the imaginary attack. Another way to think about is that the person is being attacked by his or her own body; the person is aware of what is happening, but the mind and body is still

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