Paid Paternity Leave

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In today’s society the dynamics of the family have changed drastically in the last 50 years, are the rules and laws for businesses and employers keeping up with the changes? Paternity leave is the time a father takes off work for the birth or adoption of a new child in the family. This kind of leave is rare and even rarer is paid paternity leave. A very few enlightened companies offer new dads time off from a few days to a few weeks, however, it still falls short of the 6 to 12 weeks women get for maternity leave. Finally, in 2004 California became the first state to offer what they call PFL or “Paid Family Leave”, allowing 6 weeks off with 55% of usual pay replaced up to $1,075 per week, this is a definite start. In most states, dads are forced to take their vacation time, sick days or unpaid leave from their jobs when their children are born. Yet women have received maternity leave for decades.(Weber and Lublin) Family leave is about treating people equally and not constraining them with gender roles and the social stigma that goes with it, when the man of the family is the main bread winner and the woman’s job is to take care of the children. …show more content…


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