Urban Information Systems Course Final Exam

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Urban Information Systems

Final Exam

1.Discuss each of the two projects you propose and why the city should purse each one.

As the new Chief Technology Officer of a small California city located near Lake Tahoe (known as Lake Tahoe East) that generates majority of its revenue from tourism and maintains nearly a total reliance on old, paper based operations, I would propose undertaking the following two e-government projects for Lake Tahoe East; one to assist the residents and the second to assist the private businesses/tourists.

Project 1: Web based CRM311 application for residents.

Observing the need to update the old 20th century paper based government operation, the first project is would propose for Lake Tahoe East is the implementation of a CRM311 web based application for residents. This process would begin by completing an assessment of calls the city receives for information and service request by its residents in an attempt to discover a vision to build the city's CRM311 application. The CRM311 system would provide residence with ease of access to city services such as licensing and permits, utilities, health, transportation and any information deemed necessary based on the assessment. For example, if a resident requires information pertaining to graffiti removal they can log on to Lake Tahoe East's website and easily find web-links pertaining to information on graffiti removal as well as a quick and easy application for uploading pictures and locations of the graffiti. Furthermore, the resident will be able to track his graffiti removal request from the same application to ensure his request has been or is being responded to. This system will work in the same fashion with all requests for services such as ...

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...on, programs or files stored in your hard drive. The Cloud is not the virtualization of your organizations applications. And the Cloud is not a place. The Could is the storing and accessing of data and programs over the internet. In other words, it is the renting of online software and storage capabilities without having to purchase and install them on your own computers. To the public sector the Cloud is an instrument to assist in saving resources. Typically, each government agency has its own data and server infrastructure centers which costs billions of dollars, not to mention the costs the agencies acquires through software for each employees computer. Through cloud computing, the government will no longer need hold the server infrastructure or purchase each employee a copy of Microsoft Word for they will be able to “rent” all the necessary storage and software.

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