Our Three Centers

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Before our world was turning, before the land we wage wars over was teeming with people, and before we could even ponder our existence and the “ before”, there was the three centers of the Universe. The first center was home to Human Kind. The Humans were capable of significant intelligence and within them they held a vast amount of passion for life. These two traits made it so the Humans could have built up a great society, but they lived with one major flaw: they were slaved to their emotions. The Humans had been cursed with a crushing amount of physical and mental sensations, and they were prone to be overwhelmed by lust, happiness, and anger. Without a neutral the Humans center moved in constant chaos.
The next center was full of the Creatures. From the smallest invertebrate to the largest whale, each creature found a place to coexist in this center. They had a structure the Humans lacked, they had developed a chain of life. From this the center was consistently evolving with the order they had in their world. The prey and the predators were ever changing to better compete for life, creating a sustainable habitat. The Creatures lived in this harmony for much of time, but since they lacked the passion and ambition of Human Kind they never advanced in their civilization.
The last center was home to the four Elements; Aer, Ire, Ast, and Art. The Elements could harness more power than any other lifeform in the Universe, but they were incredibly unpredictable and had no control over themselves. In fear of what might come out of their joint powers each Element lived in a different corner of their center. Over time the Elements began to grow bitter. Years of isolations had made them lose all sense of compassion or unity they onc...

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...ecome frightened of her own fate. Overwhelmed with despair she ripped herself open and her blood spilled onto the Earth, filling the deep crevices with pools of Water, creating streams and lakes to nature the world. Ire, seeing what had become of his kind, surrendered much like the Creatures and promised the Women that if he be spared he’d live only to serve the needs of Humans. The Women then searched for Aer for days, all across Earth and the Universe. However, Aer was a trickster and evaporated into the Air, forever changing shapes so that the Humans could never fully catch them.
Together the Men, Women, and Creatures started a new world. And while throughout history we’ve all teetered at the brink of chaos, we can always continue to live in harmony as long as we never forget our three centers; Human, Creature, and Element. In each of those we all find balance.

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