Osi Model And Security: The OSI Model And Security

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OSI Model and Security The Open Systems Interconnection Model is a conceptual model describing how any combination of devices can are connected for the purpose of network communication and troubleshooting (Panko & Panko, 2015). Comparing the OSI model’s layers to the levels of application security will shed light on application vulnerabilities. Layer 1 of the OSI model is the Physical Layer. At this layer the OSI model focuses on wires, signals, and repeaters. The security threats are inadequate power, unrestricted access and open wall ports (Holl, 2003). The type of attacks that most likely affect the physical layer would come from internal employees, and spy hackers. Organizations must impact maintain power, restricted access and shutdown …show more content…

Each of these three layers have a share common security threat and utilize similar security solutions. The session layer establishes, maintains, and manages sessions between applications and the security threats at this layer are around personal information and retrieval of root privilege access (Holl, 2003). The next layer is the presentation layer, which ensure that data arrives from the network can be used by the application. The presentation layer is most impact by malware such as viruses and worms (Panko & Panko, 2015). IT security professional can implement intrusion detection and auditing to monitor and notified of presentation layer attacks. Lastly, the application layer (Layer 7) supplies services to application procedures and threats are static passwords and SNMP private community strings (Holl, 2003). Organization will need to enforce encryption to limit the exposure of personal information, ensure that patches are installed for applications, patching and is performed on all network and hardware devices, hardening of operation system and implements secure authentication methods (Baker & Wallace, 2007). Additionally, a quality anti-virus is utilized on workstations, servers and other devices connected to the organization IT infrastructure. All types of attackers discussed in this paper are applicable. Black hat hackers and cyber terriorist will control exploit vulnerabilities in networks and application systems that are not properly patch as well as malware writer

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