Osama Bin Laden

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Osama bin Laden’s hatred towards the United States drove him to do horrifying and unreasonable things. This is one example of why I believe mankind in inherently evil.
“The human world, it’s a mess..” (Sebastian) This quote said by Sebastian the crab from the movie The Little Mermaid. And the reason I chose to open up this essay with it is because it’s true. The human world is corrupted and full of sin, lust, pride, selfishness, hatred, jealousy, arrogance, rudeness, and so many other evil things.
There are many people I can use as an example to support my argument. But Osama bin Laden stood out to me the most. Not only did he kill thousands of people, he planned the whole entire thing out, to every detail. He also didn’t feel remorse for his horrifying deed. And I find that the most sickest, twisted thing a person could do.
Osama bin Laden was raised as a religiously committed Moslem.(A Bibliography of Osama bin Laden.) In 1982, he entered the inside of Afghanistan. This was the first trip of many. While in Afghanistan he established a guesthouse in Peshawar. Supposedly this house was originally planned to be the first station for the soldiers, Arab Mujahedeen, to come before they left for training.
By the next visit Osama made he decided to build his own camps. For his own purposes. Mainly training his men to attack when he felt was necessary. In two years, he had over six camps up and running. Inside these camps he trained Arab fighters along with well-experienced senior ex-military men from Syria and Europe. (A Bibliography of Osama bin Laden.)
The thing with evil is that it’s not something that just happens. It gradually grows over time. Evil is smart, manipulative, precise. Osama was said to be strikingly current, extremel...

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...w a person single handedly planned on killing so many people, and walked away like it was nothing. Yes he might be dead, but that doesn’t heal all the wounds and scars nor will it make everything okay. To me this is the evilest thing anyone or anything can commit. Because not only did it have such an impact to people in 2001, but it will always be a constant reminder how evil and corrupted the world is. How one tradgedy can impact the world back then, and continue to affect it in the future.

"A Bibliography of Osama bin Laden." PBS. 19 February 2014 .
Bodansky, Yossef. Bin Laden: the man who declared war on america. Rocklin: Print, 2001.
Disney's The Little Mermaid. Perf. Sebastian. Prod. Walt Disney. 1989.
Networks, A&E Television. "Osama bin Laden." 2009. 20 February 2014 .

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