Origins of the Quit India Campaign

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Origins of the Quit India Campaign

Source A is from a speech by Gandhi that was later recorded in his

biography in 1954. Gandhi told a US writer that India needed its

freedom and independence. Gandhi explains in the source that he wants

the people of India to become free.

We learn from source A about the origins of the "Quit India" campaign

that it began when World War Two was taking place. The Indians joined

the "Quit India" campaign because they wanted freedom from the British

rule. The Indians were fighting for Britain democracy.

Ghandi used this situation as an example for independence. The reason

why he used the example for independence was because the British

government didn't give the Indians what they wanted. The British were

taking advantage of the Indians.

2. Does the evidence of source C support the evidence of sources A and

B about the reasons for opposition to British rule in the 1940s?

Explain your answer.

The evidence of source C supports the evidence of source A and B for

opposition to the British rule. Source C was written by Jinnah. His

opinion supports to some extent which is that Muslims and Hindus only

want one thing which is Independence and they have nothing else in

common, "…There are only two links between Muslims and Hindus: British

rule and the common desire to get rid of it ".

Source C doesn't support sources A and B because source A and B say

the whole of India needs to be free.

Source A is a speech by M K Ghandi. Ghandi wanted a united India.

Ghandi has a reason for wanting a united India, "… I do not want the

axis to win, but I am sure that British can not win unless the Indian

people become free…" Ghandi implies that the British wont receive any

support unless India is made united.

The part of source C that contradicts source B is where Jawarhal Nehru

said, " The idea of a great country like India being treated as a mere

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