The Essence of Life- Original Writing

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The Essence of Life- Original Writing Ahmed a 15 year old boy sits alone in his room, the silence lingers menacingly. Only broken by tears that fall from his eyes. He is sat with a pen and paper; he begins to write a letter to his father yet is aware that his father is dead. (A voice echoes the letter he writes) Voice: Father, I know you are there listening to me, watching us suffer constantly. God has given you freedom from this world, when will we get ours? We took your advice, we came to Britain but Khalif did not let Khalia go, he forced her to stay. It’s just me and mama now all alone in this unknown country, every where we turn the people look at us constantly, they speak their language, but to me its seems like the constant buzzing of a fly. I do not understand what they say. We are all alone in this country, frightened by what will happen to us. I miss you so much father, with out you me and mama are all alone, and they took you from us. However bad life is here, I remember when they took you from us, I remember when they…… (Ahmed begins to cry) Scene goes into flashback .Ahmed watches his father being dragged of by the Afghani police. His mother screams trying to plead with the police. One of the officers throw her to the side. Father tries to free himself. Officers grab hold of the father and shoot him dead. Scene freezes. Return to Ahmed writing letter. Took you away and then. (Pauses for a moment) Ahmed hears a cry from the other room he goes to check it out. He sees his mother on a chair her head in her hands crying. He moves towards her and then speaks. Ahmed: Mama what is wrong, why are you crying? Mother: (She begins to wipe her tears) I am not Ahmed, let it be Ahmed: No, there is something wrong please tell me are you missing Khalia?

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