Organizing People in Business

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Organizing People in Business

Human resource management is the responsibility of using and

developing the organisation’s personnel in the most productive way.

The basic functions of human resource management are; workforce

planning, recruitment, training and development, appraisal, and reward

systems. In my opinion the workforce is the most valued asset, who

individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of company



Workforce planning is an important area of HRM. It ensures that the

firm has the right number of staff, the right quality, in the right

place and at the right time. A workforce strategy must be set, which

is influenced by supply and demand. If the supply of labour exceeds

the firm’s demand I would make redundancies or staff may be redeployed

or retrained. If the demand for labour is greater than the labour

supply recruitment costs will rise. A well-organized business will

have forecasts and projections of its future staffing needs.

Recruitment and selection is selecting the right person for the right

job. Time and money is however devoted to recruitment. Job analysis

(an investigation into the demands of a job to identify the tasks and

skills required to draw up a job description) is important for

successful recruitment.

Human resource management will also need to evaluate the most

effective recruitment methods. I believe internal recruitment methods

are favourable because of the cost advantage and the knowledge of

applicants. However, if certain jobs require particular skills then

external recruitment is needed.

Training and development increases productivity as well as employee’s

moral. In the short term training is expensive, however it is

beneficial for the firm and the employee.

To measure the effectiveness of the workforce I would carry out an

appraisal. This would include a yearly one-one discussion with them. I

believe an appraisal system would be useful as it would:

· improve the performance of the employee

· provide feedback to the individual about his/her performance

· identify any training needs for the individual

· identify employees in the organisation who have potential for

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