Organization Culture: The Paradox Of Organizational Culture

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Organizational Culture Paradox: What is Organization Culture? The organizational culture always provokes an extensive controversy! There are main four central formats of cultures i.e. Power, Role, Task, and Person is supportive in understanding many of the organizational structures.The culture of every organization is different from the other, even it differs if the same organization moves from one type to another. The reason is that every organization determines its ideology or personality based on many different factors that determine not only the cultures but also the organization design of the structure. In this sense, the culture affects the structure, and the structures affect the culture likewise.For instance, the Project Based Organization PBO has a different culture from the …show more content…

As argued by Huemann, we have to assure quality by the project team, focusing on goal orientation and personal development and our organization should be an organizational learning by projects (Huemann & Gareis, 2000). In Our organization, we will adopt the principle of Project-Oriented Organization POO, for many preferences. As stated by the (Gareis and Huemann 1998), competencies are not only required by individuals, but also by project teams and by organizations. Further to this point, (Gareis and Huemann 1998) clarifies many things. The PM capabilities of people, task groups, and associations can be portrayed, measured and further created. As a task, the administration must be considered as a center fitness of the function based association (brought in this part the Project-Oriented Organization, POO); the Association must unequivocally grow this skill. Based on the philosophy of Gareis and Heumann, we could observe further characteristics of the

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