Opioid Dependence Essay

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One of the largest concerns within our nation is opioid dependence and the rise in abuse rates of medicinal and illicit opioids. Many illicit and medicinal drugs such as Morphine and Heroin, come from the internal secretions of the opium poppy plant (Papaver somniferum) and are highly available and acclaimed for their analgesic and euphoric effects within the general population (Veilleux et al., 2010). Veilleux et al. (2010) concluded that given these properties of opioids there is a dangerously high potential for abuse. Dependence on these drugs can be linked to a variety of aspects within an individual’s life such as health and social problems, which may include increased chances for legal issues, mortality, unemployment, psychotic episodes, and HIV. For these reasons and many others, Opioid addiction is considered a chronic disease with high potential for relapse and needs to be considered as a public health concern.
Opioid addicts are not expected to handle this disease on their own. Psychologists pair up with these afflicted people to create an individual plan which includes a mix of pharmacological and psychosocial interventions to help …show more content…

Opioid dependent individuals who are in inpatient treatment have a 60% chance of relapsing; another estimate suggests that less than 25% of addicts will remain abstinent post methadone maintenance therapy (Veilleux et al., 2010). Opioid addiction is not just harmful for the individual, but also causes a large financial burden on the nation. In 1996, the United States dispersed roughly $21.9 billion dollars across the nation due to heroin addiction expenditures (Mark et al., 2001). Treatments which are able to address comorbid issues that affect retention rate, longer-abstinence post-treatment completion, and decreased economic impact would be very beneficial on a national and global

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