On Agate Hill by Lee Smith

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If I didn’t know this book was fiction I would believe everything that happened in it, just for future references if it comes up later. This book it’s about ghost, death, and life, things that are never understood it seems. This girl, Molly the main character, she is strong, she wants to use her life up to the very end, not very many can say that. She doesn’t care of heaven or hell for herself, just for others that she has loved and cared for so much, she wants a full life.
Ghost, are there ghost in your world? Does everyone have ghost follow them where they go in this world? Do we all try to leave our ghost to make new lives? Do we end up back at our ghost? I don’t know if I believed in ghost before I read this book, but I think I sort of do now. There are just some ways this book made ghost seem so real. They seem like they are all over the place where ever we go, no matter what happens. They will never leave our sides, no matter how much we try to hide them. Ghost don’t just disappear they stay forever, think of the Holy Ghost he is always there no matter what. I think they haunt everything we do until we change what we do, I think death looms over us, and follows us to our graves. What about death it isn’t a thing of the past. Death is everywhere, here and there, more around Molly then anyone I have ever seen. Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? If a person doesn’t have a name will they not go to heaven All of these seem to be in some way, shape, or form question through the book of Molly’s or thoughts at least.
Lee Smith wrote “On Agate Hill” at a hard time in her life. I 2003 she lost her son at the age of thirty-three to acute myocardipathy, which is a disease of the heart. Lee went through a lot of depression after his de...

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...o who I am today. Most people may not like who that person is but I stand up for the person I am today and am myself, and don’t care about those people who don’t like me. It’s my life I’m going to live it I may make more ghost but that’s my problem. Ghost are a part of life we just have to deal with that I our own ways. Ghost are the way we go through life and death is the way we end life, it makes a lot of sense if you ask me.

Works Cited
Cowell, Rebekah. "Lee Smith Interviews." Lee Smith Interviews. Independent Weekly, 24 Mar. 2010. Web. 01 May 2014.
Formy-Duval, John M. "On Agate Hill by Lee Smith." About.com Contemporary Literature. About.com, 2014. Web. 01 May 2014.
Scribd. "On Agate Hill: A Novel." Scribd. Workman Publishing, 01 Aug. 2007. Web. 01 May 2014.
Smith, Lee. On Agate Hill: A Novel. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin of Chapel Hill, 2006. Electronic.

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