Oligopoly: Market Structure, Types, And Characteristics

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Market structures refer to the number of firms in the market that produce identical goods and services. Market structure heavily influences the supply of different commodities in the market place and consequently the behavior of firms in the industry. Pricing decisions and strategies are very crucial aspects when it comes to market structures since every economic activity in the market is measured as per the price (Bar-Gill, 2012). Before coming into a final decision towards the price to set, stakeholders who are mostly the managers need to critically analyze each market need and the existing conditions and emerging developments. The various market structures and the related pricing strategies can be discussed as follows:
In oligopoly markets, there is a conflict between cooperation and self-interest. If all the firms set their targets of outputs to be low, the price is high, but if the firm produces excess outputs the prices will be low and this leads to low profits. Therefore the firms have an incentive to expanding their revenue by output regulation. Oligopoly market structure has a number of characteristics .One if oligopoly characteristics are interdependence, since there are few sellers in the market, when one firm advertises its products in a way that is unique and so appealing in the eyes of the customers, it will automatically take the biggest market share. Another characteristics of is advertising. Under oligopoly a change in firms policy change to has an immediate effect on other firms in the industry. Therefore, the competitor firms remain vigilant about the direction of the firm which in turn thinks of considering a change in the firms’ policies. Thus, advertising is a way in which an oligopoly can prevent itself from being opted out in the market. An oligopolistic firm can come up with the best advertising campaign with the intention of acquiring the biggest market share (Prasad, 2007). Other firms in the industry will automatically resist its defensive advertising. In oligopoly, an important feature is the behavior of the group. There can be small number of the firms but the actions of one firm affect the
Monopoly is derived from the word mono which means single. There are three form of monopoly namely: Pure monopoly in which the industry is the firm itself ,actual monopoly where a firm has less than twenty five percent of the total market share and finally natural monopoly where there is already defined high fixed costs for the natural resources like gas, electricity, water, telecommunications and rail. There are no firms with close substitutes for the commodities that are produced in a monopolistic market structure. The single producer may an individual who owns production of a certain commodity or one partnership or a joint stock company (Metro, 2013). In other words, it is difficult to differentiate between a firm and an industry. Monopolistic market structure gives the owner total control over the supply of a products and services. Since a firm has full control over the supply of the commodity he offers to the market, he has power to determine the price. Therefore, as a single supplier, monopolist may have crown which might not be visible. Also in a monopolistic market structure, the cross elasticity of demand between the product of the monopolist and the product of any other supplier should be very be very little. The single supplier may not affect or be affected by the prices of other economies offered in the economy. Under a pure monopoly where there is only single owner of

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