Old Spice Ad Analysis

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Old spice is a body wash/deodorant brand for men. The ad I’m targeting is one of the original old spice ads. It is a muscular man half naked holding up a bottle of old spice body wash comparing the audience’s man/boyfriend/husband to himself saying “sadly, he isn’t me.” This ad is clever and somewhat humorous as it is an attention grabber. It’s a very effective commercial due to general direction to females, fast monologues and confidence throughout the ad to promote the use and affectability of Old Spice.
Firstly, the directed audience this ad is aimed towards is straight women. The actor in the commercial starts off by saying “Hello ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me” making it obvious who this
Not only the looks, but the actor has a very deep, sexy, calming voice that draws the audience in. He talks in a fast monologue manner telling the directed audience what to do, and because he is telling the audience to compare their man to himself gives off a certain confidence which is also very attractive. The appeal in the ad doesn’t really have anything to do with the product itself, but the life that the product can possibly lead you to if you use it (getting rich and getting women). Altogether this ad is very well done in terms of being appealing, maybe it’s just me being a female but I was drawn in when I saw it on
One of the first opening lines from the commercial is “but if he stopped using lady scented body washes, and switched to Old Spice he could smell like he’s me.” Thus saying that other products smell like lady scented products. A reason why this product more attractive then other products is the whole commercial itself, it portrays a great life that would be attractive for a women to have. Another line that supports the idea of why this product does the job better is “Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady” again comparing it to other products.
All techniques considered, this ad for Old Spice was very effective through its general direction to females, fast monologues and confidence throughout the ad. It draws the audience in by portraying a great life from using the product, with particularly attractiveness aimed towards women and comparing it to other products of the same type. Overall this product is one I would buy for my future husband due to the manliness it seems to come with

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