Words are Powerful: A Deep Dive into Offensive Speech

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I always remember what my grandmother said to me, “Be careful what you say, what words you use because they can destroy or give hope. Once they are said never could be deleted it from people’s hearts.” That day I learned that words are powerful. According to the article “Free Speech: Westboro Church Supreme Court Case First Amendment” in Christian Science Monitor, author Warren Richey discusses about The First Amendment to define what is offensive and it shows historical facts where the Supreme Court is using the First Amendment to resolve the cases about offensive speech. Also, the author describes people in favor and against of offensive speech. The author concluded that offensive speech should not be banned because free speech is the free …show more content…

I admit that everyone has the right to freedom of thought and freedom speech. However, several questions come to my mind: Do people really need to use offensive speech to say what they think about the other? Does offensive speech resolve problems? Is really necessary to use it? As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes says, ‘“…separating speech that deserved protection from dangerous speech that did not’” (Richey, 61). The position shows us that offensive speech that provokes violence action should be ban. So, why are people using offensive speech, to provoke violence actions where many people could die? Every time when someone uses offensive words, those are going to incite some people’s response, it could be just a verbal response back or grave disturbance or confrontations between both sides. As a result of offensive speech or the right to say whatever people want; some people will die. Therefore, what is the purpose to use offensive speech? To provoke violence and to harm, and whoever heard it directly or indirectly most probably want to respond in the same term and experience any emotional pain. So, offensive speech could incite rampage worldwide. People around the world have different beliefs, education, and religion, which is the essence of human being, to be …show more content…

Also speech codes will decrease clashes between students. Moreover, censor offensive speech will aid to keep away the violence around the world triggered by offensive words or actions. Everyone has the duty to respect others belief, religion, education, etc. Furthermore, everybody has the right to express its self without offending

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