Offender Reintegration And Rehabilitation Essay

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One of the biggest challenges facing our criminal justice system today is the concept of offender reintegration and rehabilitation. Correctional treatment is a critical component in the rehabilitative process. The vision is grounded in a standard based, particularly restorative approach to manage authorizing crime, constructing more secure communities, helping victims, and reintegrating offenders. A normative hypothesis of mediation in view of restorative justice would appear to require an alternate mindset about and "doing" rehabilitation (Bazemore & Schiff, 2001).
A central component to rehabilitative interventions that is widely accepted is most commonly known as “what works” or “effective correctional treatment (ECT)” strategies (Andrew …show more content…

Restorative intervention is a particular method for "doing justice" that additionally has essential ramifications for offender rehabilitation methodologies and in addition for how crime is endorsed, what activities will improve community wellbeing and crime prevention, and an all the more fulfilling response to crime victims (Bazemore & Schiff, 2001). A restorative justice way to deal with offenders and reintegration must be grounded in restorative standards. Van Ness and Strong based the premise that crime is more than just lawbreaking suggested the following core principles:
Principle 1: Justice requires that we work to heal victims, offenders and communities that have been injured by crime; Principle 2: Victims, offenders and communities should have the opportunity for active involvement in the justice process as early and as fully as possible; and Principle 3: We must rethink the relative roles and responsibilities of the government and the community. In promoting justice, government is responsible for preserving a just order and the community for establishing peace (Bazemore & Schiff, 2001, p. …show more content…

As a rule, offenders remain stigmatized as lawbreakers, they lose their supporting community (family, companions), their connections wind up noticeably broken. It makes it harder, if not nearly impossible for them to locate a better than average employment, enhance their life conditions altogether, fundamentally to avoid re-offending. With the investment of victim, offender, and communities, restorative justice strives to give those ready to take an interest a shot for an effective redo without the issues and barriers that are ordinarily brought up in criminal justice

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