Oedipus Persuasive Essay

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First and foremost, Oedipus is the one with the swollen foot. His biological father tried to kill him at birth because the Oracle said: “your son will grow up to kill you and marry his mother.” (Sophocles) Laius assumed his only way out was to get rid of the problem before it came to the surface. Oedipus did not die so the prophecy could still be justified in the future. Oedipus discovered his parents were not his actual parents. He sought to locate his real parents, but the Oracle told him the prophecy that will transpire. Oedipus ran away from his adopted parents trying not to murder his adopted father, yet killed his real father. Do you think if he was not going searching for his parents that the prophecy would not have been fulfilled? I …show more content…

King Polybus and his wife raised Oedipus as their own. One night at a public feast, a drunken man shouted at Oedipus that his father was not his father. His parents tried to influence him to overlook it, but the idea never left Oedipus’s mind. Oedipus journeyed to the Oracle, the same Oracle his real father had visited before he was born. The Oracle did not say who his parents were but revealed the unsettling foresight. Oedipus did not want that to happen but inadvertently traveled to Thebes. During his journey, Oedipus came to a crossing with a carriage and the driver collided Oedipus out the way, but the livid young man began to fight killing the driver and the passenger. The passenger was his father. He fulfilled half of the prophecy and did not even know it. He carried on to Thebes getting by the Sphinx with her clever riddle. The people of Thebes were so grateful for Oedipus and proclaimed him as king since his very father, King Laius was killed. They also proposed he marry his widow to ratify his place as king. The prophecy was fulfilled. A plague hit Thebes causing everyone to run to Oedipus for a solution. The Oracle said, “the city is unclean because the killer of Laius lives amongst Thebes.” (Sophocles) Oedipus is the killer the entire time and is making all these punitive consequences for the killer. Tiresias, a blind prophet, does not want to bear the bad news. After his visit with Tiresias, everything starts to come to the light. Everybody knows Oedipus is Laius and Jocasta’s child. After his mother realizes this sickening news, she commits suicide. The town of Thebes is in an uproar since Oedipus is the killer of Laius, his

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