Odyssey Essay: The Morality Of Hospitality In The Odyssey

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In our modern day, there are plenty of different ways that a person can show hospitality towards a guest whether it be a stranger or friend. Having only lived in the United States, I have found myself to be treated most graciously by my friends, but every so often, I do find myself to be lost in a friend 's house. Every person was taught certain morals as a child that they now use in their adult lives, but for some people, hospitality has been thought to be just letting them come into the house. In the Odyssey, so far, we as the readers have come to see how hospitality can be very well done. Whether it be Telemachus or Odysseus traveling and staying at places, they were served at the finest level even though they were complete strangers. The providers have a dedication to help the stranger because they could possibly hope that the gift of food or money will be passed on. …show more content…

On the other side of that, there are a few instances where hospitality is not exactly shown and Odysseus begins to questions their stay. The first side of hospitality that Homer really likes to show is the Positive and that brings in a few different books such as Telemachus treating Athena with food or Eumaeus ' reception with Odysseus. While there are many great offers of hospitality, the ones of negativity are playing out within the house of Penelope or Polyphemus ' cave. Lastly, within both sides of the hospitality, there are some common elements that define whether it is indeed respectable hospitality and I believe Homer wanted the readers to picture this in the overall

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