Odysseus and the Trojan War

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Oh how I wish I were home. I miss my wife Penelope deeply. The Trojan War is finally over after 10 long years of lonesome battle. Praise Zeus for his ending of the war. A lot of my men are lost. They died a painful death. We buried our dead today and made a cairn for remembrance. Six benches, six lonely oars are empty. This is one of the many heart-breaking scenes I've seen. Now those lonely spirits for a journey uplift me back to my homeland. But I solemnly vow to relay the heroics of those men who died to save the queen. EPISODE 2 As we sailed from Troy there were favorable currents that carried us to the open sea. Days on end we drifted. The winds like a game of tug a war between the gods. Northern winds drove us past Cithara to a strange Island filled with ridiculous men who strive to eat the Lotus blossom. This strange flower of enchantments warps the minds of the consumer whom may never stop eating. All visions of loved ones and home are driven form their minds. Upon reaching this isle three of my best men went in search of water. They were offered lotus as a gift and obliging the kind people they ate in drift of swallows the vision of wife and home were sent down. I became worried about my men after the 1st night when they didn't return. Therefore I went in search of my heroic trio. Upon finding them eating the lotus I was offered some. Declining I grabbed them and forced them to the ship. I strapped them to their benches and set sail. I could of used their help because three days late r we caught storms that lasted a day for each of the lotus-eaters on board. On the third day the sun shone with the glory of Greece. EPISODE 3 We sailed on and found our selves in reach of an island. We then set course for its shores and upon stepping afoot on land we set out for food. All of us found a cave where cheese was plenty. We sat and ate and drank our wine. Sheep started entering. Then a giant man with one eye walked in a moved a giant stone in front of the door. He turned and was startled to see us but pleased. He asked what were we doing and why were we eating his cheese?

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