Ocd Case Study

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Intro: According to Wood, Wood Boyd, Wood and Desmarais is when people suffers from either an obsession or compulsion sometimes both. An obsession is an uncontrollable recurrent thoughts or images on dirt and germs, aggression, feeling of order. A compulsion is when someone does an activity over and over even though it is irrational but they are so compel they can’t avoid it and if they do they become increasingly anxious that can only be relieved when the act in question is done. A compulsion could be counting, arranging or checking. It becomes psychological when the behavior prevents the person from living a normal life. (p.364-365)
According to OCD Facts, symptoms of OCD. (n.d.). Symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) fall under …show more content…

So in this case the compulsive behaviour would be excessively washing of their hands to the point that they bleed, so they would fully satisfied that they have removed all germs. Or excessive cleaning of their home for the same reason. They would also avoid touching areas in which they know are contaminated such as doorknobs, public washrooms and perhaps avoiding touching people or being touched. According to OCD Facts, symptoms of OCD. (n.d.), another type of obsessive and compulsive behavior would be thought of harming oneself or some close to them either a parent, a child or an animal, etc. And the compulsion that could be associated this obsession would be checking to make sure you have not harmed your parent, counting the knives to makes sure you have not used one. Repeatedly checking to make sure the stove is off and the windows and doors closed and repeatedly checking that who have not run over someone by returning to the location you imagine it happened. According to OCD Facts, symptoms of OCD. (n.d.) another example of an obsessive compulsive couple would be the feeling of order or perfection, so one would have an obsessive thought that everything must be placed in a certain order, …show more content…

However, biological studies have shown that “changes in the brain caused by an infection may predispose a person to develop OCD” Another possible caused for OCD is an unbalanced, or low levels of serotonin. (Causes of Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder, p. 365). There are multiple ways to treat OCD, one psychological way is by Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). (As stated by Gellatly and Molloy (2014) the goal of CBT is to change or reduce a person’s maladaptive behaviour. The behavioural method may include “testing irrational thoughts and graded exposure to feared situations.” (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy p.6) For example, an OCD individual may try to avoid their obsession, so the psychologist may expose them to their obsession. The Cognitive method is used to alter their maladaptive behaviours to change their way of thinking. The methods could be keeping a diary and writing their inappropriate thoughts, and behaviours when they occur and how often). According to Gellatly and Molloy (2014) an effective CBT for OCD individuals is exposure and response prevention (ERP). The basis of this therapy is to expose them to their fear which is the thoughts and images that produces their anxiety, in other words their obsession, the therapy exposed to them to their obsession gradually, first starting with a situation

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