Occupation Case Study

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Brief description of occupation that you have analysed :
The occupation which will be analyzed is making a jam sandwich for the breakfast using a spoon. Sadia is a 42 women. She was diagnosed with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis ten years ago. She had a swollen, painful metacarpophalangeal joints (MCPs) of both hands and wrist pain when she perform a hard tasks. she had joint deformities include - wrist radial deviation, MCP ulnar drift, swan neck deformities of index finger right Z thumb deformities ( thumb CMC subluxation eminences. To prepare any kind of food it has to be done in appropriate place, contain the materials that help the person to do the occupation, so sadia usually do this occupation in her home kitchen.
Meaning: What are the meanings of this …show more content…

Occupational Performance

Performance skills - what actions are involved in performing this occupation (e.g. use of motor skills, process skills, and communication & interaction skills)?

There is no doubt that any kind of occupation requires certain skills in order to allow the person to do well. Based on this occupation, which is make a sandwich, sadia needs to perform some of skills for example:
Motor skills: Elbow extension and elbow flexion when sadia have to spread the jam over the toast in front of her in above the table so she move her elbow joint internally and externally.
Also its include Wrist abduction and wrist adduction to move the spoon.
Fine motor skills: for example pinch to hold the spoon when sadia dip it inside the jam jar, in addition grasp skills when she hold and open the jam jar. Sadia needs to visual and cognitive skills too to recognize the materials and to understand how to deal with them? how to use them? what is the correct use for each

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