Obsessive Compulsive Checking

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Compulsive Checking Obsessive Compulsive disorder also known in simpler terms as OCD is a disorder that is classified under the anxiety disorders. OCD is the result of paranoia within ones brain. Although having the diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a start there are many sub groups and types of OCD that someone may possibly posses either one or a multitude of them. One of the highest diagnosed sub-types of OCD is Compulsive Checking. In this type of OCD the person diagnosed has a fear that they will be harmed or harm someone else by everyday tasks. Compulsive checking can wreak havoc on the inflicted person’s life typically in more ways than one. “Perceptions of danger and intolerance of uncertainty again emerged as cognitive variables that play important roles in mediating obsessive-compulsive checking behavior” (Overton & Menzies, 2005). OCD can be linked with an earlier life experience and can be helped by therapeutic means or medication. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be defined as having repetitive, unwanted, urges and thoughts that raise the need for excessive amounts of time or energy spent on the unwanted urges. OCD typically involved ritualistic like tendencies that result in two types of characteristics, obsessions and compulsions. Obsession can be characterized by the actions and thoughts that intrude one’s mind. As well as the uncontrollable and irrational impulses one must face with OCD. Compulsions can be defined as the act of doing excessive things related to behaviors. People feel the need to act on these compulsions for the sole purposes of releasing the anxiety they feel by the compulsive and reoccurring thoughts. In essence,... ... middle of paper ... ...sufferers with OCD often do not understand the steps they need to take to help the sufferer get through thus, causing tension among family members. According to Van Noppen and Tortora Pato (2009) , “This lets them know that their hard work to get better is being recognized and can be a powerful motivator.” By encouraging family members a person with OCD can get through it easier. Conclusion In conclusion, OCD and compulsive checking can be debilitating to everyday life. If one does the right therapeutic or medication regimen they can seek relief to the rituals they must perform on a daily basis. Even though there are many effects of OCD there is a way to try and get through them. People need to be educated in OCD to further aid the relief of these suffers and their families. One day there might be a proven cause of OCD which will help to better treat the disorder.

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