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Being overweight has become an issue in society today. Often associate overweight people with the word fat, which is demeaning to overweight people. Obese people are now facing the same prejudices what comes from being different in this so-called prefect society. According to Dictionary.com “obese” comes from the word obesus which is past participle of obedere to eat away (“Obese”). There are at least five major theories on what causing childhood obesity epidemic: “1) genetics (the “thrifty gene “) 2) the “weight set point,” 3) low metabolism, 4) the food-rich environment, and 5) sedentary lifestyle” (Pretlow 2). In society, people have a busy schedule, and do not have time to plan meals. Not planning meals leads people to make poor food choices. One of the major contributing factors is the fast food industry. Often people stop at fast food establishments, because of convince, and low food prices. This might be associated to overweight. Being overweight is succumbing to obesity. According to the cdc.gov obesity is determined by using a ratio of height to weight. In general, a healthy weight for people height, determines the risk ones may have to certain diseases. Body Mass Index ( BMI) is the name of the ratio that give people a way to determine healthy weight. (“Defining Overweight and Obesity.")

Below, is a chart to help individual’s discover their body mass index.
Table 1 ("Normal Weight Ranges: Body Mass Index (BMI)") Obesity has become one of the leading concerns of youths today. Obesity is non –discriminating and affects all. Moreover, medical conditions are linked to obesity are both mental and physical. As more information accumulates about obesity and its effects. Moreover, children are at the greatest risk and it is an epidemic. Looking into the daily activity of children dose not paint a bright picture Television and media entertainment are

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