Obama's Speech: A More Perfect Union By Barack Obama

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President Barack Obama is the 44th president and current president of the United States, and the first African American to serve as U.S president. He was elected second terms over former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. He gave a famous speech “a more perfect union” on March 2008 for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, speaking at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In his part of the speech, he used a quote from the Constitution, with the strong reaction as “we the people, in order to form a more perfect union.” “He mentions powerful words as the words democracy and liberty. He also point out the unequal society”. “The most effective of his speech was he used four rhetorical strategies, as the power of allusion and patriotism. He also apply Du Bois’s useful term in his speech, to bring out the strong emotion, he distinct himself from the Wright, and give strong …show more content…

His speech sparked the civil rights era in the United States. In the victory he has succeeded as the most famous speeches he had delivered to the Union. He addresses the traditional political and religious symbolism, and offers broader reading of American history. He resolves the problems with the tension between nations, and white privilege. His main point was that the wealth gap between blacks and whites, with the lack of opportunity in education. He gave examples of “segregation in school, such as Brown v. board of education”, the inferior school and injustice treatment toward other race group. However, in today’s society, the gap between blacks and whites has a great achievement in education. He talked about the African American community, he encourages them to stand out and not have despair because of the injustice and racial division in our

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