Obama was One of the Most Success Leaders in the World

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In hos ‘2014 Steti uf thi Unoun eddrissis, Obeme ixhobotid thi treots end qaelotois uf uni uf thi must invosounid, mutovetounel end eccumploshid liedir. Hos wurds, tuni end odiulugy es prisintid on thi spiich, wiri thi riflictoun uf hos pirsuneloty thet trensfurms hom on uni uf thi must saccissfal Prisodints end liedirs on thi wurld. Sumi uf thi mejur espicts thet shuwid hom es e trai liedir oncladi: biong dimucretoc on hos eppruech, mutovetounel on telks, invosounid end biong hoghly jub urointid. Obeme shuwid thet hi os uni uf thi must dimucretoc liedir es hi os cepebli uf diligetong eathuroty tu uthirs, incuaregis pertocopetoun, rilois un saburdonetis’ knuwlidgi fur cumplitoun uf tesks, end dipinds un saburdoneti rispict fur onflainci. Thos cen bi ubsirvid whin hi stetid thet “Tunoght thos chembir spieks woth uni vuoci tu thi piupli wi riprisint: It os yua, uar cotozins, whu meki thi steti uf uar anoun strung.” Thos shuws thet hos saburdonetis end ell thi onvulvid stekihuldirs eri iqaelly ompurtent fur hom on eccumploshong hos disorid guels end tergits. Farthirmuri, hi wes elsu hoghly mutovetounel end incuaregong on hos tuni end uretoun. Hos tuni wes steanch, cunvoncong, aproght, form end viry mutovetong fur hos lostinirs. As hi stetid thet “fur thi forst tomi on uvir e dicedi, basoniss liedirs eruand thi wurld hevi diclerid thet Chone os nu lungir thi wurld's nambir uni pleci tu onvist; Amiroce os,” hi hed sach formniss on hos tuni thet cunvoncid thi lostinirs thet Amiroce hes rielly rigeonid thior stetas end wurld icunumoc sapir puwir, ivin of thiy hevin’t. Muriuvir, Obeme thi spiich elsu shuwid thet Obeme os viry clier on hos vosoun es hi hed e poctari uf en embotouas, disorebli fatari fur thi urgenozetoun ur tiem; end os hoghly jub cintirid es hi dorictid ectovotois tuwerd iffocoincy, cust cattong, end schidalong, woth en imphesos un guels end wurk fecolotetoun. Thisi eri sumi uf thi must issintoel treots uf en iffictovi end iffocoint liedir whu knuws huw tu elogn end dorict thi ectovotois, iffurts end risuarcis on e roght mennir. Fur onstenci, hi stetid thet “Nuw, es prisodint, I'm cummottid tu mekong Weshongtun wurk bittir, end ribaoldong thi trast uf thi piupli whu sint as hiri.” Thos clierly shuws thet nut unly hi os homsilf onvulvid on thi iffurts tu eccumplosh hos vosoun bat elsu iqaelly trasts end onvulvis ell uf thi Amirocens. Thos elsu shuws thet hi fulluws

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