O. J. Simpson Murder Case Study

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When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which bind them to another, it becomes necessary to declare these wrong-doings to the world and lay down a course of new action to correct the faults that have occurred. It is the right of the people to make these things known with a declaration, a declaration of independence. In order to obtain a decent respect to the opinions of mankind, the people must declare the causes which impel them to the separation. I hold these truths to be self-evident, that mankind needs motivation to function properly. That motivation is found in the system of capitalism, where man reaps the rewards of his labor. Whatever he puts in, he shall get something out. …show more content…

Simpson murder case. They have attempted to remove individualism from society by encouraging that everybody is the same and equal in all respects. They have violated states’ rights by increasing the federal government’s authority, such as civil rights decisions. They have disproportionately taxed different elements of society, such as much higher tax rates for the top 1 percent of tax payers. They have neglected several parts of society, such as rural America. They have vilified several parts of society such as Trump supporters and successful businessmen. They have attempted to make all education free or highly affordable, which has inadvertently lowered the quality in many cases. In order to better the system in the long-run, the People of the United States must throw off such ideas of socialism and communism. Only by greatly reducing the size of government and its influence on society can the People flourish. The people can take care of themselves and do not need such guidance and control the government implements. It is therefore expedient and necessary to throw off the Democratic Party and initiate a Republican program that encourages the merits of

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