Nursing: The Definition Of Nursing

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The History of Nursing There are many factors that have influenced nursing as we know it today. It is forever evolving and changing with the times as more medical advances are made and new things are learned. Nurses of the past have changed nursing now, and nurses of the present will change nursing for the future. The definition of nursing is forever changing as new things are brought to the attention of fellow nurses.
The current definition of nursing that is being used for the nursing program at Viterbo is: Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations. (D. Hatteberg, personal communication, class notes, September 11, 2015) …show more content…

This definition is more complete than the one I had come up with on the first day of class. My definition of nursing is, helping care for those who are both healthy and ill in a respectful, compassionate, and friendly manner. This definition is not as complete as the one in class, however it has some aspects that I feel should be included in the recognized definition. It is important to recognize the importance of putting the patient first and treating them with respect. For some, all things medically related can be scary so it is just as important to be compassionate about their fears and be friendly to help put them at ease. No matter how many patients a nurse has to attend to, each patient should feel important and

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