Nursing Evaluation Plan Essay

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Evaluation Plan for Educating CHF Patients In an evidence based research, evaluation plan is very important. Evaluation is a systematic approach to assess the information, data or statistics collected through a research on a specific problem. Nurses should always practice evidence based approach and collect data so these can be compared with other studies done on this specific topic. Developing an Evaluation Plan for Educating CHF Patients Simple actions plans usually yield positive outcomes as they are comprehensible easily by the clients and the caretakers. So do the simple evaluation plans, which will show the more direct and accurate results because of their direct approach. In suggested implementation plan, target is to improve self reliance in patients by increasing their confidence and building their positive thinking habit with psycho-analytical approach. This approach is based on four principles which are; to teach patients to assume their responsibility, to be well informed about their prevailing health issues, make them realize that their cooperation and willingness in treatment and prevention plan is in their own benefit and, let them take their own decisions. As narrated by Taylor (2006), Dorothea E. Orem's Self-care deficit theory of nursing emphasize that "People should be self-reliant and responsible for their …show more content…

A team led by RN, should mentally prepare their patients to understand their responsibility towards good health. This can be done by showing them special documentaries during their stay in the hospital, in a common room where other patients can also join them in a group of six to twelve. After the session, patients should be given a short comments form with multiple choice answers (Appendix A). The purpose is to check their positivity towards the message conveyed through the documentary. At this time patient's vitals should be checked and recorded for the future

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