Literature Review Nurse Staffing

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Nurse staffing ratio's in healthcare is an ongoing issue throughout the country. With healthcare being run like a business, the bottom line is sometimes thought to be more important than the safety of the patients. One will see through this paper by reviewing patient outcomes and mortality, nurse staffing ratios can affect the quality and safety of patient care. II. Literature Review The sources used were retrieved from the online Shapiro Library. Electronic databases, including CINAHL were used to do a multi-search for sources. Key works used included nursing safe staffing and nursing staff ratios and patient safety. The criteria used to select the articles were peer reviewed articles within the last five years. Martin (2015) looks at the effect that nurse staffing has on quality care of patients. Using numerous studies, the article reviews nurse under-staffing in hospitals and how it not only impacts the care the patient receives but also the nurse’s well-being. This article supports that staffing has a direct impact on patient care and safety and This theory “Focuses on the human component of caring and the moment-to-moment encounters between the one who is caring and the one who is being cared for, especially the caring activities by nurses as they interact with others” (Kearney-Nunnery, 2016, p. 49). Healthcare systems have been focusing more on curing than caring. The costs of non-caring are quality, safety and medical errors. Inadequate staffing further distances the relationship between nursing and patients. When the patient feels like an object, they become dissatisfied (Pajnkihar et al., 2017). If management can apply a caring approach to administration, they will see the benefits of nurses spending more time with patients. This restores nursing to promote wholeness and healing. Focusing on a caring approach promotes adequate staffing to facilitate the nurse patient

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