Nt1310 Unit 6 Lab Report

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\caption{Separations r for quadruple star systems} \label{tab:threecols} \end{table} \subsection{Flux ratios} Finally, I determined the flux ratios, the ratios of the peaks in flux, for the components of the sources. To calculate these flux ratios, I have to subtract the background from the peak values before dividing both. I calculated the flux ratios of $2$ sources A and B fr via \begin{equation} fr = \frac{\text{peak in flux of source A} - \text{background}}{\text{peak in flux of source B} - \text{background}} \end{equation} and calculated the errors of fr via the Gaussian error propagation.\\ I measured the following flux ratios fr for the UY Aur A system: \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{l|ll} UY Aur A & fr$_{A/B}$ & $\Delta$fr$_{A/B}$ \\ …show more content…

\hline LI 30$\%$& 12.8663 & 5.2105 \\ HI 30$\%$& 75.8071 & 7.0055 \\ \end{tabular} \caption{Flux ratios fr for UY Aur A system} \label{tab:threecols} \end{table} \\ I have done the same calculations for my other observed sources and I got the following flux ratios: \paragraph{Binary sources} $\;$ \begin{table}[H] \centering \begin{tabular}{l|ll||l|ll} GG Tau A & fr$_{Aa/Ab}$ & $\Delta$fr$_{Aa/Ab}$ & ISTau & fr$_{A/B}$ & $\Delta$fr$_{A/B}$ \\ \hline

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