Nt1310 Unit 3.1 Malware

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Section 3
1. Malware in my words is the attempt by an assailant to gain access to a PC through known vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities sometimes are noticed by the user and many times are not noticed until the situation is completed by the assailant. The ability of spyware gives the assailant access to user delicate communication, whereabouts, phone details such as who was called and when all without the user even knowing that items have been divulged. I believe that the one that will have the most impact is the malware due to the fact the assailants are moving over to the smartphone arena. Users are using their smartphones for so much of the day to day business operation that if an assailant is able to plant malware on a smartphone and use that smart phone to gather information about the company the user works for it can have a …show more content…

Often a user will not pay attention to the fact that the wireless network he or she has connected to is a secure or unsecure connection. The ability of an assailant to plant malware on the smartphone while it is on an unsecure network is a growing concern due to the fact that even though the user at that moment is not conducting any company business information at a later time can be stolen due to the fact malware is on the smartphone. The malware could even open the company network open to assaults due to the ability of the assailant to at a later time connect through the malware and the smartphone. The ability of an assailant to place malware on the phone and then access a network of a company is a dangerous place and the smartphone needs to have protection to stop the placement of malware on it as it is a very mobile device that can go many places a PC or laptop is not able to go. An assailant is able to any open unprotected connection that is available so when a connection is not being used it should be turned to the off position so that an assailant is not able to connect to the device and then to

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