Nt1310 Unit 1 Case Analysis Essay

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As you can see, the Physical address of the Wireless LAN adapter in all three cases is F4-B7-E2-F1-74-57 and also the Physical address of the Ethernet Adapter in both the cases is 3C-97-0E-91-C8-12. But the IP address is different. It is for Comcast, 192.168.43 for Mobile Hotspot and for UHSECURE WIFI. So, it is clear that IP addresses are Network specific while MAC addresses are device specific.
Now, “Why do we need both IP address and MAC address to a Single device?” We analyze two cases.
CASE 1: If the devices use only IP address and No MAC address.
Let us consider my PC has no MAC address, it has only IP address. Let us assume that a PC with IP address is trying to communicate with my laptop and it has data that my PC has an IP address of connected to Comcast). Now, sends a packet with destination IP address The packet travels through routing tables and sees to which network this PC is connected. Now, the problem is that, if my PC disconnects from Comcast WIFI network and connects to UHSECURE WIFI, the IP address of my PC changed from to Since IP address is now free for allocation, this IP address may be given to any other PC which gets connected later. So, the communication breaks and the packet goes to a wrong …show more content…

Initially when is trying to reach, it broadcasts the message “who has” to all the devices (routers) connected to it. So, this happens to all the routes and once the destination MAC responds that is has, then the route is established and MAC address of next hop is given to the source address and is included in the packet it is sending. This happens every time the packet reaches a next hop address. If the IP address of the destination changes, then the packet is dropped and the routing tables are again updated in same fashion and the packet reaches the

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