'Notes On A Balinese Cockfight '?': Is Cannibalism Wrong?

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Is Cannibalism Wrong?

Cannibalism when everybody think of that word people thinks of eating human flesh or body. In the modern Westerners such as Americans, they think about cannibalism is sick. In Popular culture Western thinks that cannibalism is like Hannibal Lecter, or Jeffrey Dahmer. However, in the past centuries in Europe, Medical Cannibalism was used in practice as blood and experiment with body organs. Next is Cannibalistic ritual in South America located in Amazon of Brazil. Now days in the Amazon, the tribal people stop doing cannibalism. However, Beth Conklin who an Anthropologist study a tribe of Wari that practice cannibalism in a unique way that they eat dead. In the way respecting the dead. Also other cultures such as cockfighting, …show more content…

However, Geertz studied the Balinese people but came upon of cockfighting which is a tradition in Southeast Asia. Geertz stated that every culture need to be look at in their way and not to be judged by Western standards. Anthropologist have seen other cultures from a Western point of view. However Geertz tries to interpret other cultures from their own perspectives. Geertz makes clear that Balinese people are not savages because of cockfighting, it makes sense from the perspective of Balinese living. Geertz mentions that “what culture is what role it plays in social life, and how it ought probably studied” (Preface). Geertz is saying that we should see of what their lives are and just to observed it. For example, Geertz explain of the way of cockfighting in Bail. That’s is it’s like a gambling addiction, such as that Balinese are making cockfighting a profit. If they're lucky, the Balinese will take it to another step such as risking it all in cockfighting . Geertz also mentions “ But they mainly look on the monetary aspects of the cockfight as self-balancing, a matter of just moving money around circulating it a monga fairly well-defined group of serious cockfighters .The really important wins and losses are seen mostly in other terms and the general attitude toward wagering is not any hope of cleaning up, of making a killing(addict gamblers again excepted), but that of the horse players prayer” (440). Geertz stated that the Balinese are addicted gamblers however win or lose they take cockfighting seriously. Last cockfighting is a culture in Southeast Asia, especially in Bali even though it has to deal with money it makes Balinese respect cockfighting more. Geertz mentions “The cock fight is" really real" only to the cocks-it does not kill anyone castrate anyone reduce any one to animal status alter the hierarchical relations among

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